

2024-01-31 01:18:02 留学费用 责编:宋帅帅 1310浏览

In Germany, most Master's degree programs are taught in English, especially in the field of engineering, natural sciences, and management. Typically, the language of instruction varies based on the program and the university. It is essential to note that most German universities do not charge tuition fees for regular students, including domestic and EU students, regardless of the program's language of instruction. However, there are some exceptions, especially for non-EU students.

The German government has made it a policy to help students complete their higher education without worrying about the financial burden. In this regard, the German government, through various programs, covers most of the expenses, including the tuition fees. However, students are required to pay a semester contribution fee, which varies from one university to another. This contribution fee covers administrative expenses, student services, and semester ticket, which includes public transportation until the end of the semester.

However, international or non-EU students are required to pay tuition fees if they wish to enroll in one of the many degree programs in English-taught in German universities. Unlike domestic and EU students, international students are required to pay tuition fees ranging between 5,000 to 20,000 EUR per academic year, depending on the program's level and the university. These tuition fees help cover the expenses of the academic institution, including research, development, and teaching staff salaries.

Overall, Germany offers free education for regular students, but international or non-EU students have to pay tuition fees. The good thing about studying in Germany is that the tuition fees are not as high as in other countries like the USA, the UK, and Canada. German universities also offer various scholarships, grants, and other funding programs to help students who may not meet the requirement for free tuition fees cover their expenses. Therefore, students should be prepared to pay tuition fees if they are international or non-EU students and plan accordingly.

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